Amplifeed(tm) Top Coat adds 8 micronutrients to milled feeds, pellets or crumble fish feeds and designed for use in broodstock feeds, first dry larval feeds and grow-out feeds at different inclusion rates. We offer 100 gram, 1kg and 5kg packages on our website with bulk pricing and containers available on request.
Broodstock: Amplifeed Topcoat enhances yolk size leading to faster larval development, more eggs and in many species more frequent nesting. The micronutrients astaxanthin and selenium are critical micronutrients for viable and healthy eggs.
First dry feeds: Each species is genetically programmed to divert energy into developing different elements critical to its survival strategy. The allometric development phase is critical. If the animal is malnourished during this phase it will never recover, vulnerable to viral and other pathogens and slowing growth & feed conversion.
Grow-out: Fish exiting the allometric phase on solid footing still need to maintain a healthy immune system during grow-out.